eForesee in Cyprus
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Accession to the EU can be characterized as one-way route for Cyprus National Policy. Accession negotiations proceed very fast and Cyprus is expected to be included in the first group of countries to enter the EU in 2004.
Agriculture, irrespective of its diminishing importance to the G.D.P., continues to receive strong support from the government of Cyprus. Many aspects of Cypriot agricultural policy are incompatible with the Common Agricultural Policy and should be harmonized before accession. During the accession negotiations Cyprus has undertaken the commitment to harmonize its Agricultural Policy with the Acquis Communautaire. In this respect a lot of work remains to be done during the next two years.
Participation in the eForesee project is the first type of foresight activities undertaken in Cyprus. Agriculture, Environmental Management and Biotechnology have been indicated as the main subjects to be examined in the eForesee project.
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