
eForesee cypilot1: eforesee website

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  • Subject: eForesee cypilot1: eforesee website
  • From: "George Adamides"
  • Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 10:00:52 +0200

Dear all:

I just wanted to update you on thedevelopment of the official eforesee website. Theinformation related to the Cyprus project is also available in the Greek language for your convenience.We are working on translating other pages of the site as well.


I take this opportunity to informyou that the cypilot1 meeting invitation is posted on the eforesee.info website. Click on the UserArea section and select Access Forum Area. Alternatively you can download theword file by clicking the Access File Area link.





George Adamides, MSc Computer Science

Agricultural Research Officer

Agricultural Research Institute

P.O.Box 22016
Nicosia, CYPRUS

Tel. 357-22403133

Fax. 357-22316770


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