
eForesee News: Second Announcement re Malta Conference November 2003

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  • Subject: eForesee News: Second Announcement re Malta Conference November 2003
  • From: eForesee
  • Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:15:45 +0200

Dear Colleagues,
This is to alert you that a second announcement regarding the 4th eFORESEE International Conference to be held in Malta between 13-14 November 2003 has been published on the eFORESEE website. This features a call for abstracts and an invitation to register for the conference on-line and book hotel accomodation. http://eforesee.info/conferencesandevents/malta2003/index.shtml?s=C1BC27E1-7D3901111022-923

The 4th eForesee International Conference in Malta in November

Call for Abstracts and Registration

The Fourth eForesee International Conference

The Role of Foresight in Implementing the EU Wider Neighbourhood Policy, and in the Structuring of a Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Area

Corinthia San Gorg, Malta
13-14 November 2003

Jennifer Cassingena Harper
Director, Policy Unit
Malta Council for Science and Technology _ http://www.mcst.org.mt
Villa Bighi, Kalkara CSP 12, Malta
Email [email protected]
+356 2360 2125 Direct Dialing
+356 2166 0340 Switchboard
+356 2166 0341 Fax
eFORESEE Project http://eforesee.info
The information in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Any opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the author, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of MCST.

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