eFORESEE Workshop on Exploring Scenarios in ICT
Villa Bighi, Kalkara, Malta
29-30 August 2002 Malta
This workshop was targeted mainly at the members of the Malta eFORESEE ICT Expert Panel and key members of the Malta eFORESEE biotech and marine/environment pilot panels. Many examples of personal statement writing at https://topdissertations.com/buy-a-personal-statement/ are still not checked by our editors; all we may do is to wait.
The main focus of the Scenario Workshop was to ensure that the key participants of the eFORESEE project, mainly the ICT Panel understood the practice of scenario planning by identifying Information Society trends of relevance to Malta and the ICT revolutionary technology in the future.
It is important to note that no credible scenario can be written without paying attention to the continuum of thought starting in the past, progressing through the present and on into the future in the social, technological, economic, ecological, political and personal value fields (STEEPV).
Prof Ian Miles gave an introduction on scenarios methodology and presented key ICT and information society trends which was followed by a lively discussion - for details, please consult the powerpoint presentations and background documents provided by Prof Miles.
A presentation was delivered by Ms Yasmeen Ariff, the ICT Panel Technical Secretary on the scenarios presented to date using mind-mapping tools. Prof Miles provided a comprehensive overview of scenarios which was followed by break-out sessions where participants worked in teams to develop three scenarios: Business as Usual, Upward and Onward and Paradigm Shift (visionary).
Workshop Presentations