Meeting 21-22 March 2002 - Conclusions
FU1: The Cyprus team will hold a meeting to decide on the main theme for the first foresight pilot in Cyprus. The challenge will be to select a theme that is sufficiently complex to warrant a foresight approach, yet sufficiently focused to yield useful results in a pilot scale exercise, taking account of the resource and time constraints of the eFORESEE project.
FU2: The Cyprus team will hold a meeting to discuss the theme and possible dates for the Second International eFORESEE Conference to be held in Cyprus towards the end of 2002. These dates must be checked with the Commission so as not to clash with the launch of the Sixth Framework Programme, and other scheduled events in the last quarter of the year.
FU3: The Cyprus team will gather available information as inputs for the Cyprus foresight activity, and make it available via the eFORESEE and ARI sites. This material should include the various studies carried out in Cyprus on the impact of compliance with the aquis communautaire on the agricultural sector.
FU4: The Cyprus team will follow-up on the link that has been made with the Greek National Foresight exercise, via Nikos Maroulis of Logotech, and via Prof. Koukios - the leader of the Greek National Foresight Exercise. In particular they should investigate the possibility of exchanging material on the agriculture and biotechnology related sectors with the Greek exercise. In particular the material produced by the Greek teams in Greek language can be readily used in Cyprus.
FU5: The Cyprus team should consider the use of experts and visionary thinkers from agriculture, and involve them in panel discussions or brainstorming sessions as part of the foresight exercise. In particular they should consider people from outside Cyprus and from outside the foresight community, and focus on individuals who can bring fresh insights based on specialist knowledge of domains on a convergence trajectory with traditional agricultural fields.
FU6: The Cyprus team will provide a short progress report on each of these tasks as a contribution to the collaborative research effort of the eFORESEE project.
Annex 1: Elaboration of the Role of Foresight in the Accession Process
Annex 2: Power Point Presentation given by Patrick Crehan
Annex 3: Final Version of the Meeting Agenda and List of Invitees