
RE: eForesee cypilot1: eforesee docs

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  • Subject: RE: eForesee cypilot1: eforesee docs
  • From: "Department of Agriculture"
  • Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 14:12:47 +0300

We haven�t received the attached documents
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [
Behalf Of George Adamides
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 1:58 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: eForesee cypilot1: eforesee docs
Dear all:
Please find attached to word documents. The first document is the
proceedings for the eforesee meeting that took place on October 4. The
second attachment is the final manuscript concerning the "Developing
futures for agriculture in the Netherlands"
George Adamides, MSc Computer Science
Agricultural Research Officer
Agricultural Research Institute
P.O.Box 22016
1516 Nicosia, CYPRUS
Tel. 357-22403133
Fax. 357-22316770
sender : "George Adamides"
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sender : "Department of Agriculture"
This is the cypilot1 mailing list of the EU financed eFORESEE
project on regional foresight. Please go to the project website
at http://eforesee.info to subscribe, unsubscribe or update
your profile. Feel free to forward this message to colleagues or
friends interested in any foresight related activities.

  • References:
    • eForesee cypilot1: eforesee docs
      • From: George Adamides

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