
A project funded by the European Commission - STRATA Programme. 1 January 2002 - 31 December 2003
News Highlights:
- Many rewriting services used our materials in a recent editors event to further improve their projects' quality.
- 01/12 - eForesee Final Results have been published online and are available for download.
- 13/05 - Overview of Foresight Activity in 2004 is available here.
- 21/02 - Announcing the "A Forward Look at the Knowledge Society in Malta 2015 - Gender Perspectives and Implications" Conference to be held on 5 March 2003.
- 20/02 - The Malta foresight experience was presented at the "Regional Foresight: A Tool to Enhance Regional Development in a Knowledge-Based Economy" conference in Larissa, Thessaly, Greece.
- 19/11 - The second CompetitiveCareers Workshop will focus on Foresight as a Stimulus for Careers in Biotechnology. This half-day workshop will be held on Monday, 1 December 2003.
- 15/11 - The proceedings of the Fourth eForesee Conference are now online.
- 14/11 - The eForesee Narrative Database (NDB) is launched.
- 23/06 - See the eForesee contribution by Dr. Jennifer Casingena Harper (
) and Rene Tonnisson ( ) at the Ioannina Conference are online.
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