Re: eForesee malta-ict: Scenarios for Malta in ICT
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Subject: Re: eForesee malta-ict: Scenarios for Malta in ICT
From: Antoine Gambin
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 4:45:47 +0200
On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:18:10 +0200 Leonard Bezzina wrote: > Dear Jennifer, > > I would like to suggest the following scenario: > > Malta would become a centre of excellence in ICT in education (practice > and theory). This implies a situation where all teachers are making the > best possible use of ICT in order to enhance teaching and learning in > all areas of the curriculum and at all levels of our education system > (primary, secondary, post-secondary and tertiary). This vision includes > making most of the communication capabilities of current and future > technology in order to promote learning at a distance and at all times > of the day (e-learning) and at facilitating communication between > parents/guardians and the school. It also implies a situation where > Malta develops innovative ways of making use of ICT in our classrooms. > Once such a vision is in place we can become a Mediteranean centre of > excellence in teacher education in this area. We can then offer > appropriate University level courses mainly through distance learning. > > > Leonard Bezzina > > Jennifer Cassingena Harper wrote: > > > Dear Colleagues, We would like to initiate an on-line discussion on > > alternative futures for Malta in ICT. We would like you to send us up > > to ten different scenario themes for Malta in ICT. These can be > > scenario themes focused on: > > > > * specific niche areas (e.g. Malta as an e-learning hub) > > * or ICT-enabled initiatives (e.g. on-line gambling) > > * or telecomms-related initiatives > > * or any other ideas in general !! > > > > Ideally, this exercise should not involve too much time - maximum 30 > > minutes - just jot down what comes immediately to mind. So send us > > your feedback if possible by Thursday 22 August.Looking forward to > > hearing from you, Jennifer > > ___________Dr. Jennifer Cassingena > > Harper > > Head, Policy Unit, > > Malta Council for Science and Technology > > Villa Bighi, Bighi, Kalkara CSP 11, Malta > > email: [email protected] > > direct dial-in: +356 23602125 > > tel. +356 21 660340 (fax) +356 21 660341 > > ___________ > > > > +++++++++++++++ > > Dr Leonard Bezzina > Department of Mathematics, Science and Technical Education > Faculty of Education > University of Malta > Msida MSD 06 > Malta > > E-mail address: [email protected] > Telephone number: 3290 2404 > > +++++++++++++++ > Dr Bezzina has inspired me to imagine the following scenario : BESIDES BEING A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR TEACHER TRAINING MALTA CAN BECOME AN ACTIVE THINK TANK FOR NEW THINKING PROCESSES IN EDUCATION IN GENERAL, PARTICULARLY FOR LIFELONG LEARNING. MALTA CAN EXCEL IN THE CREATION OF SOFTWARE CREATION FOR SCHOOLS BASED ON NEW THINKING AND TEACHING METHODOLOGIES. WE ARE USED TO THE IDEA OF SILICON VALLEY BECAUSE IT HAS PRODUCED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT BUT SHOULD MALTA WANT TO EXCEL IN EDUCATING - BE IT IN EDUCATION OR IN THE CREATION OF NEW THINKING PROCESSES - WE CAN TAIL SUCH AN IDEA OF A SILICON VALLEY BY FOCUSING ON MAN POWER INVESTING ENERGY IN CREATING SOFTWARE FOR SCHOOLS IN A WIDE SENSE OF THE WORD. AS AN EXAMPLE ONE CAN TAKE THE BUSINESS CONCEPT OF WALL STREET SCHOOLS OF ENGLISH. IN THESE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOLS STUDENTS BUY A MEMBERSHIP AND ONCE CAN GO TO SCHOOL FOR UNLIMITED HOURS UNTIL THE STUDENT ATTAINS THE LEVEL OF ENGLISH THE STUDENT NEEDS. THIS IS NOT A CHAIN OF SCHOOLS WHICH REQUIRES TRAVEL BUT IS INTENDED FOR LOCAL MARKETS. THE SCENARIO I IMAGINE, THEREFORE WOULD BE THIS CONCEPT TRANSLATED TO ONLINE DISTANCE LEARNING WITH MALTA AS ITS BOUNCING BOARD WHERE TEACHER ASSISTED COURSES ARE RUN ONLINE FROM MALTA. FREE!! Submit your website's URL to the largest search-engine for Maltese web-sites on the Net AT NO COST! Simply go to and follow the instructions on the site. --------------------------------------------------------------------- sender : Antoine Gambin --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the malta-ict mailing list of the EU financed eFORESEE project on regional foresight. Please go to the project website at to subscribe, unsubscribe or update your profile. Feel free to forward this message to colleagues or friends interested in any foresight related activities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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