Contributions from several Marine Pilot EG members have in the meantime already been received and cover the following areas of activity:
National Marine Transportation
Marine environmental monitoring
Fisheries capture
Fisheries culture
Marine biotechnology
Mineral extraction from the sea
Marine Protected Areas and Marine Planning
Dumping at sea and Land reclamation
Potable water from the sea
For each activity (i) the key drivers have been identified; (ii) a SWOT analysis performed, and (iii) a list of recommended actions prepared, foillowing the guidelines proposed during the 3rd Sept. ad hoc meeting. Have a look at the attached report where there is an example of a contribution on national marine transportation.
The table of marine activities (in attach) has been amended and enhanced in the process. It is still not final. You will note that some other areas have still to be developed. Before the meeting we will have time to receive further contributions, as well as refine those that we already have. Those of you wishing to file in a contribution can send to me on [email protected];
For each contribution please:
Amend Table.doc in attach, by adding the relevant area/sub-areas of marine activities to which you are contributing. Please note that we should list not only the current acrtivities, but also potential activities.
Complete the SWOT analysis for the marine-related area/sub-area of activity that you are tackling. Follow the format of the example on national marine transportation as reported in the attached document report2_exscenarios_3rdsep2003.doc.
Identify for each area of activity which are the key drivers (again following the format of the example on national marine transportation)
Propose a list of important recommended policies/actions for his/her area of activity.
All contributions will be treated again and finalised during the meeting on 10th October.
Please do not hesitate to ask for any further clarifications/information.
With thanks for your effort and support. The Marine Pilot can only be useful if we ascertain your participation and feedbacks.
So looking forward to meet you soon.
Aldo Drago
Marine Pilot Leader