eForesee malta: EFORESEE Malta Pilot Update 1
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Subject: eForesee malta: EFORESEE Malta Pilot Update 1
From: "Jennifer Cassingena Harper"
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 11:07:08 +0200
Dear Colleagues,
You are probably wondering what happened since the eFORESEE Pre-Launch event last month. We have been very busy on a number of fronts:
We have carried out an analysis of your feedback and input at that Pre-Launch Event and the results from the questionnaire-based survey as well as the full report are now available on the eFORESEE site http://eforesee.info/malta/200205-prelaunch.shtml?s=C1BC26FD-7D2611102038-6D01 . Please consult the site and give us your feedback.
- We have also been conducting interviews (consultations) with strategic players to gauge their opinion on the themes to be tackled through the pilot and any key stakeholders that have not yet been involved. Those of you that feel the need for such a consultation are very welcome to contact us and we can set up a meeting.
- We have developed a mission statement for the first pilot and workplan - both will be on-line shortly.
- Sharon and myself have participated in a foresight training programme at University of Manchester and we are currently preparing for a follow-up training workshop to be held in Malta between 24-26 July. This training workshop is open to all eFORESEE stakeholders on a first-come first-served basis - so please feel free to register your interest in participating in it by sending us an e-mail. Full details of the programme will be available shortly on the eFORESEE site.
- We have also launched the stakeholder mapping for the other two foresight pilots on Enabling Biotechnologies and the Environment. If you are interested to also participate in these pilots, please subscribe to the relevant mailing lists on the eFORESEE site.
- Finally the eFORESEE Malta project team has moved offices along with MCST to Villa Bighi in Kalkara - our new contact details are available below.
We will shortly be sending you information on the next steps with regard to the Knowledge Futures in ICT and Education Pilot.
All the best,
Dr. Jennifer Cassingena Harper
Head, Policy Unit,
Malta Council for Science and Technology
Villa Bighi, Bighi, Kalkara CSP 11, Malta
email: [email protected] http://www.mcst.org.mt
direct dial-in: +356 23602125
tel. +356 21 660340 (fax) +356 21 660341

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