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NSIT Questionnaire

Questionnaire to obtain feedback on the National Strategy for Information Technology (NSIT) Exercise (1993-4) and to inform the eFORESEE ICTs Foresight Pilot (2002)

  1. To what extent do the scenarios and recommendations proposed in the final NSIT documents tally with current developments?
  2. To what extent do you think that the NSIT recommendations have been implemented to date?
  3. What initiatives or projects did you yourself launch which were inspired by the NSIT exercise?
  4. What current challenges should be addressed in the eFORESEE ICTs foresight pilot?
  5. With the benefit of hindsight, how would you conduct the ICTs foresight pilot differently in order to make it more effective?
  6. Are there any new stakeholders you would involve?
  7. Would you be interested to participate in the eFORESEE ICTs foresight pilot?

Please return by e-mail to .
We appreciate your response.

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