
eForesee news: Best Wishes

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  • Subject: eForesee news: Best Wishes
  • From: "James Azzopardi"
  • Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:45:43 +0100

The Partners of the eForesee Project wish you 
a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Go to: http://eforesee.info/bestwishes/
to download our electronic greeting card.
It has been a busy year for all at eForesee and
we would like to take this opportunity to thank
you for helping us out during the year, giving
us your feedback and participating in all our
seminars, workshops, meetings and activities,
assisting in the reports and much more.
In the meanwhile have a great start to 2003.
We have more plans to share, but we'll leave
that for January for now. :-)
James Azzopardi
webmaster / eforesee.info
sender : "James Azzopardi"
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