eForesee News: Participate in the Regional Foresight Association Survey
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Subject: eForesee News: Participate in the Regional Foresight Association Survey
From: eForesee
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 17:07:30 +0200
Dear All, We are forwarding you an invitation from the Centre for Technology Assessment to participate in a questionnaire-based survey they are organising as a first step in setting up the Regional Foresight Association. You are invited to complete the enclosed questionnaire and to forward it to Mrs Christine Niklas [email protected]. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Nicklas ([email protected], ++49 (0)711/9063-258 or ++49 (0)711/9063-166) or Mrs. Agnes Pechmann ([email protected]). Your feedback would be much appreciated best, Jennifer INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE AS A MEMBER IN THE REGIONAL FORESIGHT ASSOCIATION Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you to participate as a member in the Regional Foresight Association that the Center for Technology Assessment intends to found. Do you agree that there is a clear need for improving the situation of Regional Foresight in the EU? Projects in this field are being supported by different Commission Services, and a High Level Expert Group has been established by DG RTD. In evaluating the outcome of the Conference "Europe's Regions Shaping the Future - the Role of Foresight" (September 2002, Brussels), our attention has been drawn to the fact that founding an association to further promote Regional Foresight is both a short term necessity and a promising long term option. We have attached an info-sheet for your information on why and how such an Association could be set up. To make sure that the Association starts out with the most interesting activity portfolio for its members, we need your feedback. Though we have some topics in mind, it would help us a lot to know more about your special interests and expectations towards tasks and function of the Association. Please use for this aim the QUESTIONNAIRE we are going to send you as an ATTACHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS MESSAGE. We would appreciate if you would check and fill out the grey fields directly in the file, and return it to [email protected]. TO MAKE SURE THAT THE FORMATION OF THE ASSOCIATION DOES NOT LOOSE MOMENTUM WE HAVE TO WORK TO A TIGHT SCHEDULE, AND CAN TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION ALL QUESTIONNAIRES SENT BACK TO US BY E-MAIL UNTIL JUNE 15TH. At the end of July you will receive our 1st newsletter based on the results of the questionnaires received. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Christine Nicklas ([email protected], ++49 (0)711/9063-258 or ++49 (0)711/9063-166) or Mrs. Agnes Pechmann ([email protected]). Thank you very much for your co-operation. Best Regards Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, Dipl.-Ing. Christine Nicklas, Dipl.-Ing. Agnes Pechmann
Regional Foresight Association Survey.doc
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