eForesee News: @rural meeting in Brussels on 15 September
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Subject: eForesee News: @rural meeting in Brussels on 15 September
From: eForesee
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 09:53:20 +0200
Hi, We would like to bring to your attention the following event which might interest you if you are in Brussels coming September: ----------- Karel Charvat of the Rural Wins project (see www.ccss.cz) will organise a meeting in Brussels on 15 September as a follow up to the Valencia event that we promoted earlier this year, and that some of you attended. Please find attached the conclusions of Valencia, a note on Brussels and a form to fill in if you plan to attend. ----------- Patrick Crehan Coordinator of e-Foresee -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the news mailing list of the EU financed eFORESEE project on regional foresight. Please go to the project website at http://eforesee.info to subscribe, unsubscribe or update your profile. Feel free to forward this message to colleagues or friends interested in any foresight related activities. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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