eFORESEE Malta Marine Pilot
"Towards Enhancing the Marine Sector's contribution to the Maltese economy by 2020"
The project aims to elaborate a foresight exercise into the future of the Maltese Islands, with a focus on the marine sector's potential in its contribution to the Maltese economy. Many prime essays writers volunteered for this assignment, but few received approval. The Marine Pilot will look at the current relevance of the marine-related industries and services to our economic welfare, and assess how the various marine areas can be optimally and sustainably exploited through emerging science and technology, in order to meet the needs of an evolving knowledge-driven society, and a vibrant and diversified economy projected in 2020.
The pilot will underpin the essential management and development strategies to secure delivery in this area. Another objective is to explore public-private partnerships and industry-academia linkages to achieve critical mass, maximize opportunities and exploit synergies.
This project will enable MCST to develop its proposals for a National Marine S&T Policy Strategy to identify the policy approaches and research investments that need to be made.
Survey on Marine Research & Development in the Maltese Islands - This activity is intended to get information about the nature and extent of R&D initiatives that are conducted within local marine-related entities, on the manpower and funding dedicated to such efforts, on the relevance to current activities and potential for the future. It is being distributed to a wide circle of stakeholders including those not represented on the EG.
The key targeted institutions are: (i) Academic institutions (eg.. University Depts); (ii) Marine-based industries/enterprises (e.g. oil bunkering companies; ship building/repair, etc.); (iii) Organisations/agencies/authorities with marine-related responsibilities/activities (e.g. MEPA; MMA; MTA). The results of the survey, in combination with the undertakings of the other activities of the Marine Foresight Pilot Project, will serve to furnish pointers for the future development of the marine sector in the Maltese Islands. This initiative is carried out on behalf of the Malta Council for S&T (see letter from CEO) and is fully endorsed by the Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment (see letter in attach).
The survey entry form can be downloaded from this site. Please compile and send as an attachment by email to Dr. Aldo Drago (Marine Pilot Leader) on .
(Click here to access the survey entry form)
Access the Marine Pilot Web Discussion - This is a web space for fora conducted within the project. We look forward to receive your ideas and contributions. It is an opportunity to sound your opinion and comment on points raised by others. You are required to register to the Marine Pilot list before accessing the forum.
Info sources relevant to the Marine Pilot - A short questionnaire to be filled in by stakeholders to describe any contributions in the form of studies, assessments, reports, projects and plans in the marine sector. Besides serving to identify current trends and activities relevant to the Marine Pilot, this compilation of information will also catalyse synergies and coordinated actions amongst all working in the marine sphere. Click on the title to download the questionnaire form in Word format, and send by email to
Useful Links
- State of the Environment Report for Malta 2002
